New York, New York
Important news to announce, I was recently accepted as a member of the Salmagundi Club! I thank Claudia Seymore and Christine Ivers for sponsoring me. My first member event is the Spring Auctions by Salmagundi Club. I decided to submit two small paintings at this event, and I included two short videos showing me going through the auction process.
Event Literature – Spring Auctions

Exhibition Drop-Off (2-27-2010) – Spring Auctions
We made it safely to the drop-off for the 2010 Spring Exhibition and Auction at the Salmagundi Club. Recently I participated in a local auction near my home, but this was a much bigger event. I am very excited to go through this process at the Salmagundi Club. I entered two early and more miniature paintings, “New England River” and “The Road Home.”

Opening Reception (3-5-2010) – Spring Auctions
I had one of my paintings accepted into the Exhibition/Action (“The Road Home”), so we planned to take the family to the opening reception. However, due to poor planning on my part, we did not make it to the opening reception on time. We left Connecticut too late and hit heavy traffic upon entering New York, which proved fatal for us, making it to the opening reception on time. We did film the day’s events and produced the following video.
(A short 11-minute and 15-second video documentary of John O’Keefe Jr. at the Salmagundi Club 2010 Spring Auctions. Opening Reception Day!)

Auction Day (3-18-2010) – Spring Auctions
The auction day went better than the day we had for the opening reception. We arrived in New York early enough to have dinner and be at the auction well before the auction start time. I was nervous when my painting came up, but that soon turned to excitement when it sold. After the auction, Jennifer and I mingled for a while, and we met several well-known artists, including Del-Bouree Bach and Charles Bierman.
(A short 10-minute and 2-second video documentary of John O’Keefe Jr. at the Salmagundi Club 2010 Spring Auctions. Auction Day!)

at Knickerbocker’s Bar & Grill in New York City