I was the featured artist in my Solo Exhibition by Mill House Gallery in Chester, Connecticut. Jane White contacted me with the invitation, which I accepted immediately. One thing I appreciate about solo exhibitions is they are a lot of work. I had to package and transport many paintings, hang and set up the entire show, create invitations, mail them out, and set the reception table. Also, several trips to the gallery were required: drop-off, opening reception, and pick-up. Despite all that was involved, the experience and enjoyment I received were worth it.
Event Literature – Solo Exhibition

Setting up the Exhibit – Solo Exhibition

(A short 2-minute and 57-second video documentary of John O’Keefe Jr. setting up for his 2011 “Landscape Oil Painting in the Hudson River School Style” Solo Exhibition. Watch until the end for a nice surprise just as the gallery was closing for the day.)
Opening Reception and Meeting the Artist – Solo Exhibition

The opening reception was on a Saturday, and a steady stream of art patrons came to see the exhibit. Unfortunately, I was not the best host because I had a hurt foot and spent most of the time sitting on a chair in the corner. I had the opportunity to speak with most people who came to see the exhibition. There were many inquiries about the artworks and the techniques that I used, and I was surprised by the number of people interested in the stories behind each work. My solo exhibition at the Mill House Gallery was a great experience.