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I was expanding my reach out of Connecticut and into New York City. My first out-of-state exhibit was at the Salmagundi Club. Join me as I journey to the painting drop-off for the Annual Non-Member Painting and Sculpture Exhibition judging and selection process.
Artwork Dropoff (6-27-2009) – Annual Non-Member Painting and Sculpture Exhibition
Jennifer and I woke the family early for our trip to New York City, where we would drop off my painting entitled “The Field’s Edge” at the Salmagundi Club. We always include the children in these activities connected with my paintings – We try to make these trips a fun family outing. I was incredibly excited about this trip because this exhibition is my first showing outside Connecticut and in New York City at the prestigious Salmagundi Club of all places. Very Exciting!
Visiting Uncle Ernie Sterlacci in Astoria, Queens, New York
Once the painting was safely delivered to the Salmagundi Club, we traveled to Astoria, Queens, New York, to visit with my Uncle Ernie. He lives in the house where I spent most of my childhood summers, which always brings back memories when I visit. Also, we took some time to have dinner at our favorite pizzeria down the street.
Joshua O’Keefe and John O’Keefe Jr. hanging out on the front stoop.
Jennifer O’Keefe and John O’Keefe Jr.
Uncle Ernie Sterlacci
The family getting ready to enjoy a meal.
Visiting Aunt Anne Fucich in Astoria, Queens, New York
Before returning to Connecticut, we had to stop and visit my Aunt Anne Fucich, whom we affectionately call Teta Annie. She was my first art instructor as a child and is 92 years old and still living on her own in Queens. We stayed for a while, reminisced about the early days, and talked about art. Teta Anne was very excited about my painting that was accepted into the Salmagundi Club exhibition.
Teta Anne and my family relaxing at her apartment in Queens.
Anne Fucich
Below are some thoughts Teta Annie shared with us during the visit:
“People say painting is stressful, but I think it’s the opposite. Because once you begin, the ideas start flowing, and before you know it… poof… you have a painting.”
“My problem was that once I started, I just could not stop… I’ll just finish this color, and then it was I’ll just finish the next color and the next, and I just could not stop once I started.”
“I don’t think parents teach their children to be interested in art the way they used to. Today everyone watches T.V. It’s T.V. all day long, and people are not out and doing things. A little boy in my building sits in front of his T.V. from 9:00 in the morning until who knows when. I guess the mother is resting or something… (Laughter) …Give the kid a box of crayons and a coloring book, and let him start that way.”
Until next time.
The next time we will be back in New York is for the opening reception. I hope you enjoyed this little journey, my painting drop-off for the Annual Non-Member Painting and Sculpture Exhibition.
Preschool and elementary school art pieces that exist are in small numbers these days. The oldest is a painting of our parakeet Henry. My mother purchased him when I was 4 years old. Henry was a good bird, and he lived with us for many years. I’m sure it was because of Henry that my art initially centered around birds. I loved to draw birds.
“Henry” Acrylic on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1976 (6 years old)
[Crayon] Crayon on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1978 (7 years old)
“Swallow” Crayon on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1978 (7 years old)
I can still remember drawing this cardinal. It was winter, and I saw this little fellow while looking through our dining room window. He was walking on the roof of a birdhouse that was hanging in the backyard and then he flew away. I went and got my colored pencils and paper and drew this picture.
“The Cardinal” Colored Pencil on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1978 (7 years old)
Visiting Museums in New York City
Memorable were the summer vacations to our grandparents home in Astoria in Queens, New York. My mother would send us there for about 4 to 6 weeks during our school summer vacations, and they continued until my brother, and I became teenagers. Looking back, those summers in New York City were a beautiful and peaceful time in my life. Today, when the stress of life starts creeping up on me, I sit back and remember those visits.
Outside the Museum of Natural History. (Pictures taken by my Aunt Annie)
It was during those visits that my grandparents or my Aunt Annie would take my brother and me into Manhattan to visit the American Museum of Natural History and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. These next drawings are from one of the trips to the Metropolitan Museum of Art with Aunt Annie. I remember on this occasion how we took our time going through the bird exhibits so that I would have time to draw these pictures.
[Colored Pencil] Colored Pencil on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1977 (7 years old)
“Owl” Colored Pencil on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1977 (7 years old)
“Ducks” Colored Pencil on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1977 (7 years old)
“Duck” Colored Pencil on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1977 (7 years old)
“Owl” Pencil on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1977 (7 years old)
Elementary School Art – Drawing People
Although I loved to draw birds, I created other things too. Below are some portraits. The first portrait is of my grandfather, the second is a family friend named Teddy, and the third is a picture of Vincent Price that I copied from the cover of a TV Guide.
“Grandpa” Pencil on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1977 (7 years old)
“Teddy” Pencil on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1977-78 (7-8 years old)
I can remember my dad’s reaction when he saw this portrait of Vincent Price. He could not believe that I drew it. He made copies so that he could show them to his friends. It felt good inside seeing how proud he was of me.
“Vincent Price” Pencil on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1977-78 (7-8 years old)
Elementary School Art – My Love of Drawing Birds Continues
Here are some more birds from my preschool and elementary school art years. I was getting better at drawing in the details, which can be seen in the feathers of these next images.
“Finch” Pencil on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1978 (8 years old)
“Finch” Pencil on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1978 (8 years old)
“Woodpeckers” Pencil on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1978-79 (8-9 years old)
“Parakeet” Pencil on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1978-79 (8-9 years old)
“Parrot” Pencil on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1979 (9 years old)
“Blue Jay” Pencil on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1979 (9 years old)
Elementary School Art – Private Art Lessons with Kathy Singer
My parents soon realized that I had a natural artistic ability. They signed me up for private art lessons with a local artist named Kathy Singer. Kathy introduced me to landscapes, watercolors, and hand-made crafts using paper-mache. We usually met at her home for the lessons, but she also took us on field trips. I remember one such trip to a farm that had an old barn. I have several drawings from that trip but they are badly faded, and I could not produce quality scans for this webpage. Kathy Singer was a good art teacher, and I enjoyed her lessons. (See Kathy Singers watercolors and acrylics)
“Apple” Watercolor on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1979-80 (9-10 years old)
“Lighthouse” Watercolor on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1979-80 (9-10 years old)
“Pheasant” Watercolor on Paper, John O’Keefe Jr., 1979-80 (9-10 years old)
Elementary School Art – Painting Lessons in Queens, New York
My Aunt Annie loved to watch me draw. Here is a painting that I did at her apartment in Queens, New York. This was my first landscape painting using acrylics. It was around this time in my life that I also began to take an interest in sailing ships.
“1st Acrylic Landscape” Acrylic on Board, John O’Keefe Jr., 1980 (10 years old)
My Aunt Annie and her husband (Uncle Joe) used to paint together, and they painted maritime and landscape scenes. Uncle Joe, who died when I was very young, loved to paint and build model ships. I remember sitting in their living room and staring at a model ship of the ‘Cutty Sark’ that Uncle Joe made. It was awesome! I eventually inherited that model, but it was severely damaged during the journey from New York to to my home in Connecticut. I could not fix it and sadly it one day went into the garbage. However, my mother and I have all of the original paintings they created together. Aunt Annie and Uncle Joe were definitely an inspiration to me. (See Aunt Annie’s paintings)
Elementary School Art – Art Classes at Paier College of Art
One day a week I was allowed to leave school early and attend special art classes at the Paier College of Art in New Haven, Connecticut. This was great because none of the other kids got to do that! I don’t have any of those art projects, but they were all hands on. There was a lot of sculpting and building using different materials and mediums. The skills I learned opened up new ways for me to express myself through art. Creating images on paper was no longer my limit. Below is a castle that I starting building out of cardboard shortly after my experiences at Paier.
“The Castle – View 1” Cardboard, John O’Keefe Jr., 1980-81 (10-11 years old)
“The Castle – View 2” Cardboard, John O’Keefe Jr., 1980-81 (10-11 years old)
Ann Fucich, who is my Aunt Ann, and who we affectionately call Teta (Slovenian) Annie, was my earliest artistic influence and instructor. I would spend my entire summer vacation at my grandparents home in Astoria in Queens, New York, and this enabled Teta Annie and I, who lived nearby, to spend a lot of time together. For example, art projects were always a large part of our time spent with each other. Also, she was always encouraging me to create art even when I was home in Connecticut and we talked on the phone. These experiences with her helped to shape my artistic interests as a young child. Because of this, I have only warm, loving memories of my earliest, and most beloved art teacher and mentor, Ann Fucich.
Beloved Art Teacher Ann Fucich History
Teta Annie’s history (and mine) reaches back to Kuzelj, Austria. Ann was born on October 28th, 1917 as Ann Saganich and died on May 3rd, 2014 at the age of 97. Teta Annie had five siblings, and her sister Elizabeth was my grandmother. Later, her first true love, Joe Fucich, married Ann. I would describe Ann’s painting style as very similar to Grandma Moses.
Acrylic on Paper Ann Fucich 1973
Joe Fucich loved the ocean, and I was told that he served as a mariner when he was a young man. Therefore, inspired by his love of the ocean, Joe created maritime scenes alongside Ann, and a few of those early works continue to exist in the family collection.
Acrylic on Paper Joe Fucich 1973
Acrylic on Paper Joe Fucich 1973
Teta Annie often took my brother and me into Manhattan to visit art museums or sit in parks with a case full of drawing supplies. As a result, we had many outings to the Museum of Natural History where we would spend hours at the bird exhibit drawing and sketching. Afterwards, we would go back to Teta Annie’s apartment in Queens and draw or paint. Teta Annie would paint alongside my brother and me, giving us guidance as needed until we became comfortable expressing ourselves in our own paintings.
“Busy Beach” 10 X 17 inch (25.4 x 43.2 cm) Acrylic on Board Ann Fucich 1977
Teta Annie created many detailed paintings in acrylic and oil during her lifetime. Also, she created a large picture of my childhood home in Wallingford, Connecticut, and my mother has this painting hanging in the house to this day. Other works that have remained in the family are paintings of Annie’s ancestral town in Kuzelj, Austria and Joe’s home in Trieste, Italy.
Outstanding Paintings by Ann Fucich
“Joe’s Home Town, Trieste, Italy” 12 X 16 inch (30.5 x 40.6 cm), Acrylic on Board, Ann Fucich, 1974
“Ann’s Ancestral Roots, Kuzelj, Austria” 12 X 16 inch (30.5 x 40.6 cm), Acrylic on Board, Ann Fucich, 1974
“Wallingford Connecticut Home” 18 x 24 inch (45.7 x 61.0 cm), Acrylic on Board, Ann Fucich, 1977
I feel that I owe much to Teta Annie. Below are pictures of her with my family shortly before she passed away. Therefore, this post is in memory of my beloved art teacher and mentor Ann Fucich.
Ann Fucich and my family relaxing at her apartment in Queens.