Cheshire, Connecticut
Art in Good Taste Fundraiser at Ives Farm by Cheshire Land Trust was my first art fundraising event. Until then, I focused on showing my work at high-end galleries and art leagues. Doing something local felt good after traveling all over Connecticut and New York the past year. (You can read theĀ press release.)
Setting Up (9-29-2009) – Art in Good Taste Fundraiser
At first, I was a little nervous because I had never done an event like this, but as the day progressed, I started to relax and then had a good time. I want to participate in more fundraising events like this in the future. I have also begun researching the equipment I need for events like this. Thankfully the sponsors provided me with a table, chair, and hanging wall this time.

The Art Show and Auction: (9-29-2009) – Art in Good Taste Fundraiser
There was a second tent for the food and musicians. People mingled between that tent and the artist tent where I was located. I met and talked with many people as the evening progressed, including fellow artists. By the time I went home, I was flying high from all the compliments I received about my paintings. I had one of my new reproductions (‘Summer in the Valley’) sell at the event auction. Of all the items sold at the auction, my painting reproduction brought the second-highest price!

(Carla is a Cheshire resident and fellow exhibiting artist.
Carla’s mother is the famous artist Charlotte Joan Sternberg.)

Joshua and Danielle helped me at the show: Joshua worked earlier and labeled all my paintings and reproductions. Danielle worked with me for the event and handed out business cards. Danielle also took most of the pictures of the event.

Concluding Thoughts
The Art in Good Taste Fundraiser at Ives Farm by Cheshire Land Trust was a different experience for me. At gallery opening receptions, you mingle around as part of the crowd. Here, you have your booth, people walk by, and you are the focus of their attention. I received more feedback from people and had great conversations than at most other events.